

Odelia Ahdout

B.A. in Psychology and Linguistics from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. A master's student in the linguistics department. Main interests are the Morhpho-Semantics of the Hebrew verbal system and Hebrew nominalizations, as well as grammaticalization processes and Usage-Based linguistics.

Bar Avineri

Graduate Student in the Linguistics department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. B.A. in Linguistics (Generative track) from the Hebrew University. M.A. thesis, "Alternating perception verbs in Modern Hebrew", under supervision by Prof. Edit Doron and Dr.

Omry Doron

B.A. in Mathematics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Currently M.A. student in Linguistics. Interested in semantics and syntax, and their connection to philosophy of language and information theory.


Chagai Emanuel

B.A. in Philosophy and Talmud, currently an M.A. Talmud student (both at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem). My main research interests are Logic and Semantics in rabbinic literature.

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Zeev Goldschmidt

B.A. in Philosophy, Economics and Political Science (PPE) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Currently an M.A. student in Philosophy. Interested in epistemology, decision theory and their relation to semantics.


Andreas Haida

My research is concerned with psychology of logical reasoning.In particular, I investigate the linguistic conditions on scalar reasoning, the impact of scalar reasoning on the performance in logical reasoning tasks, the logical and grammatical underpinnings of free-choice and ignorance inferences wi

David Kashtan

Interested in the philosophies of truth and language, their obvious and non-obvious relations, and the space of philosophies that they together span - stuff like meaning, objecthood, subjecthood, transcendental philosophy, logic, and maybe others.

Chen Kupperman

B.A. in Mathematics. Currently an M.A. Cognitive Science student focusing on NLP and Linguistics. Interested in Semantics and Semantic Representations, Dailects and Dailects of Arabic in particular.