People by Role


Omry Doron

B.A. in Mathematics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Currently M.A. student in Linguistics. Interested in semantics and syntax, and their connection to philosophy of language and information theory.


Chagai Emanuel

B.A. in Philosophy and Talmud, currently an M.A. Talmud student (both at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem). My main research interests are Logic and Semantics in rabbinic literature.

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Eliyahu Gedalyovich

M.A. student in Linguistics
B.A. in Linguistics & international relations. Currently an M.A. student in Linguistics. Interested in almost anything in linguistics and psycholinguistics. Recently worked on onset vs rhyme effects in language production

Zeev Goldschmidt

B.A. in Philosophy, Economics and Political Science (PPE) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Currently an M.A. student in Philosophy. Interested in epistemology, decision theory and their relation to semantics.