People by Role


Amit Pinsker

M.A student in Philosophy

B.A. in philosophy and the Amirim honors program in the humanities, and currently pursuing an M.A. in philosophy. Mainly interested in the logic and semantics of counterfactuals and causation, modality, rationality and reasoning under uncertainty.


Ofek Rafaeli

M.A. student in Linguistics
Ofek is currently pursuing his M.A. in Linguistics and is a participant in the Language Logic and Cognition Center (LLCC). He holds a BSC in Computer Science and a BA in Linguistics from the Hebrew University where he double majored.

Elior Sulem

I am a Ph.D. student at the School of Computer Science and Engineering of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, under the supervision of Prof. Ari Rappoport.  I am a member of the Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing laboratory.

Shira Tal

Ph.D student in Cognitive Science
A Ph.D student in Cognitive Science. I'm interested in the means by which certain cognitive and conversational constraints can explain the common patterns of linguistic change.

Galit Weidman Sassoon

I'm a Senior Lecturer in Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel. My main interest is in language and cognition, in particular the cognitive basis of semantic and pragmatic concepts.