People by Role


Nadine Abdel-Rahman

MA student in generative linguistics
MA student in generative linguistics at the Hebrew university. Nadine has finished a BA in Linguistics and Italian studies. Her field(s) of interest are syntax and its interfaces with lexical and formal semantics, in addition to experimental syntax.

Odelia Ahdout

B.A. in Psychology and Linguistics from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. A master's student in the linguistics department. Main interests are the Morhpho-Semantics of the Hebrew verbal system and Hebrew nominalizations, as well as grammaticalization processes and Usage-Based linguistics.

Inbal Arnon

PhD, Stanford University, 2009
Research interests: Psycholinguistics, First language acquisition, Cognitive Science. First language acquisition, psycholinguistics, cognitive science, the effect of learning biases on language typology and change. 

Bar Avineri

Graduate Student in the Linguistics department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. B.A. in Linguistics (Generative track) from the Hebrew University. M.A. thesis, "Alternating perception verbs in Modern Hebrew", under supervision by Prof. Edit Doron and Dr.

Nora Boneh

PhD, University of Paris 8, 2003

Research interests: the interaction between tense, aspect and modality, in particular in the expression of habituality and the syntax and semantic of aspectual and modal periphrases; the syntax of clausal possession; the syntax and semantics of core and non-core datives. 


Ayala Colette Haddad

M.A. student in philosophy
B.A. in philosophy from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Currently pursuing an M.A. in philosophy, also at the Hebrew University. Interested mostly in the role of pragmatic considerations in epistemology and the semantics of knowledge ascriptions.